Element 3 Graduate Standards

Element 3 Graduate Standards - Teachers Plan, Assess and Report for Effective Learning


3.1.1: Demonstrate the capacity to identify and articulate clear and appropriate learning goals in lesson preparation

3.1.2: Plan and implement coherent lessons and lesson sequences that are designed to engage students and address lesson outcomes

3.1.3: Select and organise subject/content in logical, sequential and structured ways to address student learning

3.1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of a range of appropriate and engaging resources and materials to support student learning

3.1.5: Demonstrate knowledge and use a range of strategies to assess student achievement of learning outcomes

3.1.6: Demonstrate knowledge of the link between outcomes and assessment strategies

3.1.7: Give helpful oral and written feedback to students

3.1.8: Demonstrate knowledge and a rationale for keeping accurate and reliable records to monitor student progress

3.1.9: Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practices of reporting to students, parents and caregivers

3.1.10: Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practices for using student assessment results to reflect lesson sequences and inform further planning of teaching and learning